Posted on 10 May, 2019 02:26 am

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Film or Television acting is different from theater acting, How?

Yes of course, there is a huge difference between the two. Obviously, the liberties you have at movies is not available on the stage. Theatre is a live activity, films are recorded and can be edited if anything looks wrong with the content. On stage is challenging and sometime embarrassing whereas movies do have the option to not to get released :)

The best of talents who have ruled an continue to rule have emerged from theatre. The artists coming from that section of showbiz master the art of creativity and expression. I hinestky believe they are more emotionally controlled and high on emotional quotient. It is immensely difficult to manage the character in front of live audiences and carry the show like one may witness on silver screen

Definitely, theatre and drama guys pull off things which cannot be replaced by cameras and machines!